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Photos from the Holocaust have been fixed up and coloured.

Do you know that about six million Jews died because of the Holocaust? Many people don’t know about the mass murder that happened a long time ago. Some kids have never heard of Auschwitz or other camps like it. But it’s important to know about these horrible things to remember that people can do terrible things.

“I was shocked to read in The New York Times recently: ‘Never Forget’ has been a rallying cry for the Holocaust memory movement for seven decades.'” In these words, an artist named Joachim West was worried that people would forget the terrible things that happened during the Holocaust.

Wedding Bands Found During The Liberation Of Buchenwald Concentration Camp

Joachim said that the goal of this project is not to make money, but to teach people about the Holocaust. “I started working on this historical photo project a long time ago, colouring and fixing up photos from the Holocaust by comparing them to photos from today,” he said. I think that adding colour to black-and-white pictures of Holocaust victims would help people feel more sorry for them.

Colorized Photograph Of Anne Frank

Poland, 1939-40

Poland, 1939-40

Poland, 1939-40

Poland, 1939-40

Poland, 1939-40

Poland, 1939-40

Colorized Photo From The Daschau Concentration Camp

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