You are currently viewing An artist began tattooing kids and gave them an explanation on the significance of the practice.

An artist began tattooing kids and gave them an explanation on the significance of the practice.

In a culture where tattoos and other forms of body modification are commonplace, a new and divisive style has developed. Now even 6-year-olds can get inked by this tattooist. Despite the controversy surrounding this technique, we can’t wait to see the positive impact it has on these kids’ lives.

When and why youngsters first started getting tattoos.


Benjamin Lloyd, an artist, became famous after posting a video of himself tattooing a child. Lloyd’s films and photographs of him airbrushing tattoos onto toddlers have gone viral, amassing millions of likes and shares on his Facebook page since then.

He has already traveled to New Zealand, where he spent time at Starship Children’s Hospital and at IHC, a group that promotes the rights of people with developmental delays. To support his efforts to bring joy to the lives of others who are less fortunate, he has been holding internet fundraising campaigns.

Creating joy through one’s creative pursuits.

Many people were upset at first because they assumed the change was irreversible. He said, “It’s airbrushed on and not permanent.” in his post. The youth he tattooed were all beaming with self-assurance and joy.

Because “the kids are so amazed,” Benjamin is acting in this way. Once they have the tattoo, they experience an immediate boost in self-esteem.

Preview photo credit Benjamin Lloyd Art Collection/Facebook, Benjamin Lloyd Art Collection/Facebook

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