You are currently viewing After having twins, a mother gives birth to triplets and shows off her huge baby bump (picture).

After having twins, a mother gives birth to triplets and shows off her huge baby bump (picture).

Given how much work it is to raise a single child, I don’t know how parents of twins do it. To be honest, it must be pretty hard.

Still, to raise both triplets and twins? Well, if you ask me, that’s nothing less than amazing.

But mother Michelle Meier-Morsi and her husband will do that in the years to come. Their family is a wonderful example of how love and drive can make anything possible.

Since 2015, Newsner has written about several unusual birth stories. People have talked about quadruplets, albino twins, triplets, and more. The list goes on and on. But I can’t think of a story as interesting as Michelle Meier-Morsi’s.

In 2018, Michelle and her husband, Mark, had two beautiful babies. The Danish couple was very happy and eager to start a new and exciting part of their lives. After a little over a year of IVF, Michelle got pregnant in October 2017.

“When we found out we were getting twins, I was excited and nervous at the same time.

⁣ I was so afraid of losing them, to put it simply. In 2020, Michelle wrote on Instagram, “I read data and horrible stories about respirators and deaths in twin groups, and I refused to buy anything for the kids.

The girls were born by c-section when they were 37 weeks old. In 2018, the family came home from the hospital six days before Christmas.

Most people know that having twins can be hard on your body, and Michelle knows this from personal experience.

She wrote in one of her posts, “I was huge, hurt so bad, and could hardly walk because my body was so swollen.”

People worldwide can check Filippa and Ophelia’s progress on their mother’s Instagram account.

“My pregnancy was awful, and I still have scars from it. Filippa and Ophelia, on the other hand, have been great, and we have the best family rhythm with them,” Michella says.

But Michelle hasn’t had anything but happiness and laughter since she had her twins. During her pregnancy, her body went through a lot of pain. After giving birth, she was told she had diastasis recti, a separation of at least 2.7 cm between the two sides of the rectus abdominis muscle.

After having two big girls, Michella told Danish radio, “Usually the abdominal muscles heal on their own, but after having two big girls, they won’t heal on their own for me. I’ll need surgery.”

Michelle has been honest on her Instagram about how her body has changed. She has posted pictures of her growing belly and written many honest blogs about how she feels and thinks.

Because people don’t talk about the changes that can happen after pregnancy nearly enough, Michelle is an important voice. Because of this, many women suffer in silence because they think they are alone. Some people are too shy to show off their bodies.

After having twins, Michelle and Mark thought they were done having kids. They did something else to try to get pregnant, but it wasn’t clear what would happen.

They didn’t want to get too excited because only 12–15% of women ended up getting pregnant.

So, when Michelle went in for an ultrasound in 2021, she didn’t know what to expect. Before seeing the doctor, she had been feeling a strange pain in her body. Michelle thought she had either lost the baby or was going to have twins again.

But it turned out that she was expecting not just one or two kids, but three! Michelle and Mark got the biggest surprise of their lives.

Michelle wrote a full account of the event for the newspaper Expressen:

“When the nurse changes the scanner’s work, we see a third dark box. It looks like everything has stopped. You can hear a third heartbeat. That room is now so quiet that it makes me want to cry. “I can’t help but shake and cry,” she said.

Michelle and Mark were very busy but happy to have three more people join their families. They were also told regularly about the dangers of having these babies.

It was often said that all twins didn’t have a good chance of living. The pair was also told that one of the fetuses might have to be removed.

But even though she had to endure a lot of pain, this brave woman never changed her mind about carrying the baby to term.

Her huge baby bump kept getting bigger and bigger. It even turned blue and was covered in bruises. Michelle wrote some honest things on her Instagram page just a few days before she gave birth:

She said, “I really don’t think I’m ready for three kids.

“I foolishly thought that I would be ready at some point, that I would be happy that the pregnancy was ending and that we could finally meet our three. If it wasn’t for the terrible pain, the triplets would have to stay in the stomach for another month or three. Everything looks like it’s too much.

Things turned out to be much better than she could have imagined.

Charles, Theodore, and Gabriel were born on January 15 as triplet boys. Michelle was just over 35 weeks pregnant at the time.

Michella thought that the fact that her babies lived in her womb for 35 weeks was a success in and of itself.

After what she called the “wildest 36 hours” of her life, she was relieved and very happy when her two beautiful boys finally entered the world.

And what’s the most important thing? The babies were healthy and are growing up as they should. Before Michelle and Mark could take the triplets home, they had to stay at the hospital for 14 days so the babies could get checked out.

Already a few months old, these two wonderful boys keep their parents very busy. Charles, Theodore, and Gabriel are lucky to have two sisters who are very proud of them, but life for them right now is not easy.

Michelle says that she and her husband only sleep about four hours a night and still have stomach pains.

As you might expect, raising five kids in this kind of setting is hard.

“It is very hard to have two children who are three years old and three babies who were born early. It’s a lot harder than I thought it would be. [My girls] miss us and must feel slightly let down. They are angry, stubborn, very bored, and just plain mean. She says on Instagram, “And it’s completely fair.

After her two hard pregnancies, Michella’s body doesn’t seem to be able to heal fully. Because of this, she will have to spend a lot of time in the hospital in the future.

“In Denmark, we don’t pay much attention to a woman’s health after giving birth, which is sad. I had to find out the hard way that no one cared. I’m going to see my great physical trainer soon. She told Expressen, “I will need surgery soon, so my stomach won’t fully heal.”

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