You are currently viewing A young lad befriends a young deer while playing outside. People are going crazy over an image of this that has gone viral.

A young lad befriends a young deer while playing outside. People are going crazy over an image of this that has gone viral.

Many people have found joy in a recent Facebook photo posted by a woman named Stephanie Brown. Dominic, her kid, and the juvenile deer that became his best friend in the photo.

Dominic made friends with a baby deer while playing outside at the Massanutten resort in Virginia. When Brown arrived at their doorsteps with the animal in tow, he was in for a rude awakening. She snapped a picture on her phone almost instantly afterward, and then posted it to Facebook.

The caption stated, “Dominic truly went outside and got a deer back,” which was very complimentary.

She had no idea what her son was getting as she was bringing in the goodies. When she turned back, she added, “I turned around, and he was cleaning off his boots in preparation to carry the deer into the home.” This is what she told ABC 8 News.

Dominic showed no signs of being unnerved by the deer’s presence in the room at any time. He informed his mom that he found the fawn wandering around on its own, and he brought it home to give it some cereal. She refrained from prodding him for more details.

Brown asked her son to let the deer back into the woods after some time had passed. The small boy was able to do it. Despite the fact that they did not share a residence, their camaraderie was evident.

To get back to the Facebook update, it went viral as soon as it was posted. People all over the world fell in love with the pair after seeing their photo all over the internet. “Love the joy on his face with the deer in tow,” one commenter put it, capturing the message perfectly.

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