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Thanks to the efforts of the coast guard, four missing divers have been found safe and sound.

On Sunday, authorities in North Carolina searched for four missing divers from a recreational boat near Cape Fear. They were discovered the following morning, and the US Coast Guard came to their rescue. Ben Wiggins (age 64), Luke Logde (age 26), Dr. Daniel Williams (age 46), and his son Evan (age 16) have all been positively recognised. The good news is that none of the guys were hurt in the mishap.

The four males reportedly jumped ship to go swimming, as reported by the Sandhills Sentinel. They were unable to avoid getting farther from the craft than they had planned. They were fortunate to have a strobe light on hand to increase their visibility to the Coast Guard. When they were rescued, it was well after midnight. Ben informed KTVB that they had already had a close call with a shark by that time.

“We kept two of the four spear guns because we wanted to be able to have something to defend ourselves in case we got charged by some sharks, which we did see about 3 o’clock on Sunday,” he said. Evan was just in the path of a 6-footer.

It’s simpler to become lost at sea than you might imagine, according to FST Dive Services owner Brandon Toms, who spoke with WPDE. He also stressed the importance of divers always being prepared with the right gear.

“When you’re offshore diving, you don’t have landmarks like we do here at the surface,” he said. When you get to your spot and drop anchor, it’s crucial that you don’t wander too far from your vessel. That you can return to the safety of your anchor line. If you lose your anchor line, you could be washed away from your vessel.

He went on to say that twelve hours at sea would be a terrifying event. I’m relieved they were prepared with all that safety gear, and our local emergency services are top-notch. In this respect, our Coast Guard is second to none. I really can’t sing their praises loud enough.

About 6 o’clock on Monday morning, the families of the missing divers were reunited with their loved ones. Coast Guard spokesman Jonathan Lally expressed relief for the men’s safe return and added that an investigation into the incident would continue.

The complete context of what happened is unknown to us. He promised further investigation into the matter. “The thing is with search and rescue, we go back to any time we go out to conduct search and rescue, our hope is always to bring them home,” and “in this case, we were able to find them and bring them back home safely.”

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