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A sweet story about a single gay dad who adopts a little girl who lived in a hospital

Families are the smallest parts of a society, but they are also the most important. It helps people in as many ways as possible by loving and understanding them no matter what. Even though the world changes and gets more modern every day, there are still some things that people don’t do.

People think of the LGBTQ group as something that shouldn’t be talked about. This man’s name is Pablo, and he is also a part of this campaign. So Pablo can’t usually count on having a normal family or getting help from his own or the rest of society. But becoming a father was one of Pablo’s biggest dreams. He wanted to be his own person, so he put in for adoption to give his dream a try. After waiting for a long time, he finally got a call from his lawyer.Pablo Fracchia has more information and the photo.

Pablo met this little girl in a foster home/hospital where she had been living for more than a year because her real family couldn’t pay for her medical care. The little girl’s name was Mia, and she had been alive for one year and ten months. Pablo and Mia got along really well from the very first time they met.

#1. The first day Pablo spent living his dream of being a father.

#2. Adoption takes a long process in Argentina, longer if you are gay.

#3. Finally Pablo became a father.

#4. Now Mia and Pablo are not alone in this world.

#5. They bonded with each other from the moment they met.

#6. Now Mia lives in a home filled with happiness.

#7. They cherish themselves every single day.

#8. The Judge was kind enough to give Pablo’s request to be heard at court.

#9. Mia has gone through her treatments and is completely healthy.

More info & Photo courtesy: Pablo Fracchia

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