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Valerie Bertinelli found hurtful “texts” from a beloved ex, who also called her “fat.” She talks about her struggles with body image.

Valerie Bertinelli, who was famous as a child actor and is now a Food Network star, recently talked about bad things that happened to her in the past. She talked about how her first husband, Tom Vitale, treated her badly and hurt her emotionally.

In 2022, just a few months after filing for formal separation, Bertinelli asked Vitale for a divorce. She said that the day she got divorced was one of the best days of her life. Later, she talked about how abusive relationships can be. She was honest with Viteli about her own life and what she thought about abuse.

On February 1, 2023, Bertinelli posted a video of herself lip-syncing to an audio clip on Instagram. Bertinelli asked herself in the video why she had let her ex-boyfriend stay after “finding the texts.” When she asks herself a question, she says, “I don’t know.”

She told what the “texts” were about and said that her ex often called her “fat” and made fun of her body.

Bertinelli found mean texts about her on the phone of her ex-husband, which led to the clip and the description. The TV star talked about the texts and said that he often wrote bad things about her, but that she stayed with him even after she found them. She finally understood that it was time to move on.

The Instagram video of Bertinelli asking herself why she let her ex stay in her life showed that the TV cook was making a change. She has talked about how she got better after she and Vitale broke up and got divorced. She talked about how she heals, saying that therapy is very helpful.

Bertinelli wrote a book about self-acceptance called “Enough Already: Learning to Love the Way I Am Today.” It came out in January 2022.

She told what the “texts” were about and said that her ex often called her “fat” and made fun of her body. She also said that he would put his own fears on her, but she admitted that she was happy to play that part. Now, she’s decided to pay attention to what she wants.

When the Instagram video was posted, people reacted in different ways. Many people helped her and told her how great it was that she stood up for herself and moved on. One person said, “I thought my ex was nice, but I was really wrong!” Another person said, “You need to say out loud what happened and what he did.”

Someone else told her to move on and told her, “You’re better than that.” But not everyone was happy about how she was dealing with her pain. “Always having problems,” said another user. Go ask for help.”

The actress talks about how hard it is for her to deal with her body.
Bertinelli wrote a book about self-acceptance called “Enough Already: Learning to Love the Way I Am Today.” It came out in January 2022. In the book, she talks about how she has struggled with her body image over the years. She said that when she looked in the mirror, she often saw only the things that bothered her.

After she broke up with Vitale, Bertinelli realised how much she had kept inside.

But she has begun to change the way she thinks about herself. When she looks in the mirror or sees herself on TV, she doesn’t judge herself. Bertinelli learned that she needed to be nicer to herself after a long string of problems and heartbreaks. She talked about how hard it was for her to lose weight:

“I’m looking at myself on the monitor and trying not to judge myself too harshly right now because I know that I’m still hanging on to this weight because it’s protecting me right now. Because I am having a lot of problems. A lot of broken hearts. There are a lot of strange things happening in my life right now.”

Even though she eats better and doesn’t drink alcohol, she hasn’t dropped any weight. Bertinelli thinks that her weight is keeping her safe emotionally, acting as a kind of buffer and comfort through all the bad things that have happened to her lately.

After a hard divorce, Bertinelli has begun a new part of her life.
After she broke up with Vitale, Bertinelli realised how much she had kept inside. She has started to work through all of her unresolved trauma through therapy and writing in a book. She feels every emotion and deals with the pain. She told:

“I couldn’t be happier to get a divorce and spend the rest of my life by myself. That will make me happy. Well, with my six cats, my dog, my son, and, hopefully, grandkids one day.”

Bertinelli’s split gave her a chance to find out more about herself and see herself in a different light. The cook said that she is trying to get better and change how she thinks about herself. She also told her fans that after separating a narcissist, she is done with people like that.

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