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To make his son feel better about his birthmark, a father endured 30 hours of tattoo pain.

A Canadian father revealed, “He was always proud of his birthmark, and then I saw he started to kind of cover it up.” He made his 8-year-old son happy by getting a tattoo that matched his birthmark; the tattoo procedure lasted 30 hours.

The small youngster gradually realised that he was special.

Stony Plain, Alberta native Derek Prue Sr. saw that his son, Derek Jr., was hesitant to take off his t-shirt when swimming. There’s been a noticeable birthmark on Derek Jr.’s chest ever since he was born. He was a little embarrassed by it, I believe. So that he wouldn’t be the only one,” Derek Sr. explained, “I decided to get one too.

Derek Sr. visited Juicy Quill Tattoo for the first of nine sessions behind his son’s back. He anticipated a short session, but the whole thing lasted almost 30 hours. About four hours had passed during the first session, and he had no idea how much progress had been made. The size and placement of the tattoo made it extremely painful, necessitating numerous applications of numbing cream.

His son was born with a birthmark on his chest, and the tattoo is an exact replica. Tony Gibbert, the tattooist, said, “It’s pretty painful.” This is because the ribs and chest are such sensitive areas of the body.

But a father’s love is unbreakable, and no amount of suffering can diminish it.

Before going swimming with his father, the boy had no idea what his dad had been up to. The father took his shirt off at the pool to show his son, who was still clothed, that they had similar tattoos. Just as his father had anticipated, his son thought it was cool and pulled off his shirt to enjoy himself in the pool without restriction.

The boy’s birthmark was a big brown mark that he’s had ever since he was a baby, and he didn’t mind when others asked him about it.

The two returned to the tattoo parlour together afterwards. Gibbert, the tattooist, saw the finished product and heard how much of an impact his work had on Derek Jr., who now feels more comfortable in his own skin and less stigmatised because of his birthmark. He said the scar would always be a part of him.

The unconditional love of a parent may transform even the most mundane of experiences into priceless ones. One father’s decision to attend a game with his son, despite getting dirty, went viral and touched people all around the world. Read about their experience here.

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