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The brave penguin escaped the killer whale and jumped into the boat with the people (video)

In Antarctica’s Gerlache Strait, the gentoo penguin was being followed. Tourists in boats watched the exciting chase go on around them. Before it was helped into the rowboat, the penguin jumped onto the side of the boat. Below the story, you can watch a video.

Imagine that you are visiting the coast of Antarctica with other tourists in a small boat. In the Gerlache Strait, you can cruise around beautiful icebergs. You are ready with your film camera because you are in Antarctica. Then, you record a scene right out of a nature program, along with the cold, blue icebergs that sparkle in the sun. When Matthew and Anna Karsten of Expert Vagabond filmed a group of killer whales chasing a penguin through the water, they saw this.


A group of killer whales were chasing a penguin, but the penguin jumped into a dinghy full of people and jumped into the water. The bird couldn’t fly but kept jumping out of the water and circling the tour boat in a dramatic chase. Finally, it jumped on the boat, much to the surprise and joy of the passengers. Matt Karsten, 40, and his wife Anna, 32, were on a tour of Antarctica’s Gerlache Strait icebergs with their Zodiac boat when a big group of orcas swam up to them. The thing kept jumping out of the water as it chased the tour boat, which it did several times before jumping on.

When they saw a gentoo penguin swimming close, the predators gave chase, darting between the boats of tourists. The killer whales are close behind the penguin as it jumps out of the cold water. The little penguin tries to get into one of the boats for safety, but it falls just short and bounces off the side of the boat and back into the water. After a few seconds, the penguin makes it over the boat’s edge, and the cheering tourists help him get on. When they saw a gentoo penguin swimming close, the predators gave chase, darting between the boats of people who had come to watch. The killer whales are close behind the penguin as it jumps out of the cold water. Matt Karsten, a travel writer, and his wife Anna, 32, were on a tour through icebergs in Antarctica’s Gerlache Strait when they saw the amazing chase.

Matt said, “Seeing it in person was crazy. It was like watching an episode of National Geographic in real life. I’m sure the penguin was very happy to be free. We were preparing to go on a beautiful Zodiac tour between icebergs when a big group of orcas played in the water next to us. They swam right up to the camera and waved. The orcas chased after a gentoo penguin in an attempt to eat it. Back and forth they went, with the orcas following the penguin as it swam quickly. At last, the poor penguin tried to jump into a close zodiac boat.

The penguin tries to get into one of the boats for safety, but it lands just short and bounces off the side of the boat and back into the water. After a few seconds, the penguin makes it over the boat’s edge and is free. The tourists cheered as they helped the penguin climb on board to escape the killer whales.

“The penguin fell back into the water on his first try, but he did it on his second try.”For a while, the orcas did follow the zodiac boat. Ultimately, they gave up, and the penguin was safe with his new friends.After a short time on the boat, the penguin got off and jumped back into the cold water. Matt, the Expert Vagabond, has traveled worldwide since 2010. He has been to more than 50 countries and now lives in Yucatan, Mexico, where his second child was born.

After the penguin jumped into the rowboat, the captain quickly fled because he feared the killer whales. The tourists were amazed to see the penguin sitting in the boat. After a while, the penguin went back into the water. Matt, shown here with his wife Anna, calls himself the Expert Vagabond. Since 2010, he has been traveling the world and has been to more than 50 countries.

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