You are currently viewing At the school concert, a young girl of five makes it a point to use sign language with her parents.

At the school concert, a young girl of five makes it a point to use sign language with her parents.

Part of being a good parent is teaching your kids to appreciate and defend the real values that help keep the world a nice place to live.

As a result, most parents feel an immense surge of pride anytime their child has a meaningful impact on the life of someone else. That much is certain, and it’s easy to grasp the sentiments held by Claire’s parents.

Claire’s parents are deaf, but it hasn’t stopped her from having meaningful conversations with them and her younger sister. For as long as Claire can remember, she has been able to communicate with her parents through American sign language.

Claire’s class was practicing for the annual Christmas performance they do every year, in which they individually sing a song for the audience.

But herein lays the crux of the matter. Claire knew it was a shame that her parents couldn’t take full advantage of the Christmas program because of their hearing loss. After some deliberation, she came to the conclusion that the proceedings should be rendered in sign language.

Claire used both her hands and voice as she sang. Her parents were caught off guard and overjoyed; it was an experience they would never forget.

The fact that Claire, at such a young age, would do something so generous for Christmas is very remarkable, especially coming from someone else.

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