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A photographer takes a one-in-a-million photo that he or she finds at home.

In nature, perfect accidents show the beauty and wonder of the world. A murmuration, or group of starlings, happened above the Costa Brava in northeastern Spain. This is a cool thing to see because hundreds or even thousands of birds move and twist together, forming strange designs.

Daniel Biber, a photographer from Hilzingen, Germany, says that when a falcon or hawk was nearby, the starlings would start to spin and twist. The cloud of starlings bent and turned into a single huge bird, as if to tell their attacker, “We are bigger than you.”

Mr. Biber won a prize in an international photography contest, but he didn’t know that the photos he took were so good. He said, “I didn’t notice the starlings’ formation until I looked at the pictures on the computer.” “I was so busy taking pictures that I didn’t notice the starlings flying together to make a big bird in the sky.”

After he failed to catch the starlings in flight, Mr. Biber didn’t give up. He has always found it hard to shoot the starlings. “For four days in a row, I drove to the same place to catch them. I picked a foreground and background that fit their places in the scene.”

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