You are currently viewing 23 Funny Cases of Good Vandalism That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

23 Funny Cases of Good Vandalism That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

When most people hear the word “vandalism,” they think of illegal actions that damage public or private property on purpose. But not all wrongdoing is wrong if someone uses their creative skills and sense of humour to make an otherwise boring place more interesting through art.

Take the case of graffiti. In many cities, it is often looked down upon. Still, we can’t deny that these pieces of street art have the power to get our attention. In fact, they are more interesting than they are bothersome.

We have made a list of funny vandalism that falls into the area of pranks. Some of them are done so well that we can look past the fact that they may break some rules. Why not give these street artists a chance to do their work if it makes our surroundings more beautiful?

#1. That’s So Cool

#2. Whoever Did This Deserves A F***ing Beer

#3. Clever Street Art

#4. Advertisement Hacker Don’t Like Apple

#5. Drop-In

#6. UFO Attack

#7. No Pie?

#8. 1 Out Of Every 3 Snakes

#9. Please Do Not Touch

#10. Subtle Yoyo Vandalism

#11. Looks Heavy

#12. Sculpture Hack

#13. To Whoever Put This On The Men’s Bathroom Light. You’re A Genius, Sir!

#14. Canadian Vandalism

#15. Calvin & Hobbes

#16. Mini Kong

#17. Whoever Did This… Too Funny.

#18. Aren’t We All?

#19. No Bills

#20. A Few Nice Ones

#21. What A Great Life Hack

#22. Found This In My Italy Trip Archive, I Think It Belongs Here

#23. I Don’t Always Laugh At Vandalism, But When I Do…

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